Beth McAdam: Personal trainer bullied over weight bares all in powerful message for women

Former fitness model Beth McAdam posted a risqué shot of herself at the beach – wearing nothing but a festive woolly hatPersonal trainer Beth McAdam posted a risqué shot of herself at the beach – wearing nothing but a festive woolly hat.And the 36-year-old urged women across the country not to beat themselves up over Christmas if they think they’ve over-indulged.Last night Beth, who appeared in the Sunday World six years ago to tell her uplifting story of how she beat the weight shame bullies, told us women should feel proud of their bodies rather than shame.And she said although she’d get some complaints for the naked shot she didn’t care!“We’re all born naked and dressed by society,” she told us. “Women’s bodies have been sexualised for years and from such a young age.“Being naked doesn’t have to be sexual, to me it is liberating, empowering, and beautiful.Embracing my physical self and accepting and loving every inch of myself has been extremely healing for me.“I’ve spent years feeling shame for my body so it’s time to start loving it instead. My wish is for all women to fall in love with themselves and be their own biggest cheerleader.”In 2016 we revealed how Beth beat the bullies who made her life hell because she was overweight when she looked stunning on the stage of a bodybuilding contest having lost five stone.She then out-muscled rheumatoid arthritis after representing Northern Ireland in a power-lifting contest just weeks after being diagnosed with the debilitating condition which causes excruciating pain and swelling to the joints.Since then Beth has continued to empower women through her personal training, yoga classes and reiki sessions.This week Beth posted her cheeky beach shot which was taken two weeks ago when she raised hundreds of pounds for Women’s Aid after organising a skinny dip at Tyrella Beach in Co Down.Along with her super proud naked snap she posted: “The girl in this pic looks confident but it wasn’t always that way.!Around Christmas and holiday periods I used to be consumed with this massive guilt after indulging in my favourite foods, then the next day looking in the mirror I would literally pick my body apart and then the negative self-talk would begin.“I’d then scroll social media and feel shame for my body and how it didn’t look anything like other fitness models, then feel the need to do excessive amounts of cardio to burn it off“This is not healthy!!! And social media isn’t real!“So this Christmas I beg you not to feel guilt or shame for indulging in your favourite foods. It is more than ok to eat food just because it brings you joy, and it’s not always about getting the right micro or macronutrients in!“Eating food because you love it is part of an overall healthy diet too! Please stop worrying about how your body will look or if your weight will increase.“You are so much more than a body You are beautiful in this moment and every moment“And you absolutely do NOT need to go on some starvation diet or detox after Christmas.“Get out and enjoy beautiful Mother Nature but please don’t punish your body with excessive cardio.“Love and speak kindly to yourself. No one is qualified to decide your worth, yours is the only opinion of you that matters.”In 2016 the Sunday World had revealed how Beth had overcome adversity in her life before.Cowardly bullies used to call her terrible names but she became an inspiration for many women by becoming a qualified personal trainer and then started competing in bodybuilding contests.Ever since she has revelled in helping people, often many who suffered confidence issues over their weight, to change their life for the better.She told us back then how the cruelty from bullies had affected her mental health.“The names sent me into a vicious cycle of comfort eating. I was bingeing on takeaways and fry-ups and I got in with a bad crowd who were drinking a lot. They took away my self-confidence.“I didn’t exercise, comfort ate takeaways and drank myself into oblivion to try and make myself feel better to escape the harsh reality of getting bullied at school.“But it was a vicious circle, the more I ate and drank, the worse I felt and it didn’t stop the bullies calling me fat, in fact it was more ammunition for them.”But now she says she’s as happy as she’s ever been in her life.“It’s all about balance and self-love,” says Beth. “I used to suffer from body dysmorphia and trained too hard but now I train two or three times a week and only for 40 minutes at a time. I still lift weights but I listen to my body more and don’t over do it. I’m doing more yoga and sea swimming – both of which are great for mental health.“Social media can be really good but it can also be very negative and unrealistic. There’s so much guilt around food. I just want people to know they shouldn’t feel shame over food.”You can find Beth on Facebook under ‘Beth McAdam PT’.

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