Train it like the Beckhams – my session with the stars’ fitness coach

For mere mortals, Rich says finding time for two strength and conditioning sessions a week is fantastic.His sessions aren’t about getting a new personal best each time – smashing yourself in every single session isn’t sustainable.“There are 365 days in the year. You have to take things into consideration. It’s ok for a session to be about maintenance.”All of his movements work for both men and women: the difference is the weight and number of repetitions. Victoria and David enjoy training together, so Rich aims to keep their training blocks similar and includes a number of exercises that they can both do, “but I make sure I have the ability to scale them up or scale them down, making the exercise harder or easier according to their ability,” says Rich.The workout“You’re the first journalist to say they’ll do one of my sessions,” says Rich. The way he’s looking at me makes me wonder if I’m mad. There’s no time to reconsider. “Today I’ll give you a full body workout, starting with a warm-up with mobility and activation. Then we’ll do a slow and considered strength-oriented programme. Like with all my clients, I’ll be looking at what you can do and adapting the routine to your body.”What he does is not rocket science, he says. “The biggest things for me are accountability and consistency.”Being in the spotlight isn’t something Rich likes himself. “I’m used to being behind the camera, which I’m perfectly happy with,” he says. However recently, he says, his clients (for which we might read David and Victoria) have been telling him to get out there and make the most of his platform. “It’s nice, because that’s a sign that they’re enjoying what I do and they want you to big yourself up.”He’s got a few different projects in the pipeline, including GRIPGI. Rich hands me a pot of coloured putty. “It’s something I developed to help you warm up the fingers and train grip strength for judo and BJJ.” Later back in the office it proves a hit with the Telegraph writers’ desk, relieving my poor colleagues’ cramped keyboard fingers. The warm-up Rich favours dynamic stretching to begin a workout. “You’ve got to get that blood pumping. You shouldn’t just passively stretch, otherwise when you start lifting, you’re sitting in all that cold blood.”Where warm-ups often get neglected, for Rich they’re what’s going to keep you functioning and support your strength work. When he logs into a session with Victoria she’s usually already done her warm-up and is ready to go. “It means she’s getting about 90 minutes in total each session,” he says, which seems a bit hardcore to me.

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